Saturday, November 1, 2008

Home Sweet Home

In November 2007 Ashley, Milo and I moved to the new home we would share with Brian and Kevin. Unfortunately, we hit a bit of a rough road in April 2008, making it necessary for Ashley, Milo and I to move to an apartment.
I'm extremely happy to to report, Brian and I were able to work through the issues, with both of us 100% all in and very happy with the outcome. Ashley, Milo and I moved back to the house in October 2008.
Brian and I both agree, no one is moving until it's time for one of the kids to move to a dorm room.

8th Grade Graduation

In June 2008 Ashley graduated from middle school. Finally, I was able to get her in a dress for the graduation dance. And, to grandma's great surprise, she was in something other than all black.

Now she's moving on up to high school. My how quickly they grow up.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Boy Did It

All who know him know that he is highly intelligent. He just hated school so much he didn't want to put in any effort.

With the help of grandma, grandpa and many others, Douglas graduated on schedule in June 2007.

We all knew he could do it if he put his mind to it. From the smile on his face, I can tell he's happy he followed through with it.

I'm so proud of Douglas!